Contents of Number 2
Volume 26 / 1990
Preface, Contents, List of Participants Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 1-10 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-1-10
SL2 actions and cohomology of Schubert varieties Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 13-26 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-13-26
Divisor class groups of some 3-dimensional singularities Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 27-30 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-27-30
Modules defined by generic symmetric and alternating maps Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 31-38 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-31-38
On Zariski-regularity, the vanishing of Tor and a uniform Artin-Rees theorem Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 49-55 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-49-55
Associate forms, joins, multiplicities and an intrinsic elimination theory Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 71-108 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-71-108
Excess intersections in projective space Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 109-124 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-109-124
Tensor products of Clifford modules and linear maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules on quadrics Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 125-140 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-125-140
Some applications of the trace mapping for differentials Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 141-148 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-141-148
Semigroup of a quasiordinary singularity Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 149-156 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-149-156
Some new results on numbers of generators of ideals in local rings Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 157-161 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-157-161
Bounds for Castelnuovo's regularity and the genus of projective varieties Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 163-183 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-163-183
Jacobian matrix and p-basis Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 185-188 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-185-188
Cycles of isotropic subspaces and formulas for symmetric degeneracy loci Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 189-199 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-189-199
Castelnuovo's index of regularity and reduction numbers Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 201-208 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-201-208
Vector bundles and low-codimensional submanifolds of projective space: a problem list Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 209-222 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-209-222
Complete cubics in enumerative geometry Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 223-228 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-223-228
A general acyclicity lemma and its uses Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 229-233 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-229-233
The connectedness of degeneracy loci Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 235-248 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-235-248
The connectedness of symmetric degeneracy loci: odd ranks. Appendix to "The connectedness of degeneracy loci" by L. W. Tu Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 249-256 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-249-256
Commutative and noncommutative invariant theory Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 259-268 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-259-268
Constructive geometric invariant theory for certain nonreductive groups Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 269-287 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-269-287
Projective representations of $S_n$: ring structure and inductive formulae Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 289-297 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-289-297
Projective representations of the generalized symmetric groups Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 299-302 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-299-302
Representations of $S_n$ and $GL_n$ and the q-Schur algebra Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 303-316 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-303-316
A class of projective representations of hyperoctahedral groups and Schur Q-functions Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 317-326 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-317-326
S-functions and characters of Lie algebras and Lie groups Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 327-344 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-327-344
Equivariant vector bundles on toric varieties and some problems of linear algebra Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 345-355 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-345-355
Schubert varieties and standard monomial theory Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 365-378 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-365-378
Wroński's factorization of polynomials Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 379-386 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-379-386
Projective representations of reflection groups Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 387-397 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-387-397
The congruence subgroup problem for algebraic groups Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 399-410 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-399-410
Symmetric functions and the Chern characters of a hypersurface with singularities Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 411-424 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-411-424
Jones' trace function on the Hecke algebra of symmetric groups Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 425-432 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-425-432
On symmetric functions and the spin characters of $S_n$ Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 433-453 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-433-453
Projective simplicity of groups of rational points of simply connected algebraic groups defined over number fields Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 455-466 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-455-466
Local algebras and a new version of Young's orthogonal form Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 467-473 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-467-473
The Littlewood-Richardson rule - the cornerstone for computing group properties Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 475-482 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-475-482
K-unirationality of conic bundles, the Kneser-Tits conjecture for spinor groups and central simple algebras Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 483-490 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-483-490
Decomposition numbers modulo p of certain representations of the groups $SL_n(p^k), SU_n(p^k), Sp_{2n}(p^k)$ Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 491-500 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-491-500
Geometry and combinatorics related to vector partition functions Banach Center Publications 26 (1990) , 501-510 DOI: 10.4064/-26-2-501-510