Contents of Number 2
Volume 135 / 2014
Weighted sharp maximal function inequalities and boundedness of a linear operator associated to a singular integral operator with non-smooth kernel Colloquium Mathematicum 135 (2014) , 149-170 MSC: Primary 42B20; Secondary 42B25. DOI: 10.4064/cm135-2-1
A characterization of some subsets of $S$-essential spectra of a multivalued linear operator Colloquium Mathematicum 135 (2014) , 171-186 MSC: Primary 47A06. DOI: 10.4064/cm135-2-2
Global well-posedness for the 2-D Boussinesq system with temperature-dependent thermal diffusivity Colloquium Mathematicum 135 (2014) , 187-199 MSC: Primary 35Q30. DOI: 10.4064/cm135-2-3
On the index of length four minimal zero-sum sequences Colloquium Mathematicum 135 (2014) , 201-209 MSC: Primary 11B50; Secondary 20K01. DOI: 10.4064/cm135-2-4
Restricted continuity and a theorem of Luzin Colloquium Mathematicum 135 (2014) , 211-225 MSC: Primary 26B05; Secondary 26B35. DOI: 10.4064/cm135-2-5
On hereditary artinian rings and the pure semisimplicity conjecture: rigid tilting modules and a weak conjecture Colloquium Mathematicum 135 (2014) , 227-262 MSC: 16G60, 16D90. DOI: 10.4064/cm135-2-6
A characterization of partition polynomials and good Bernoulli trial measures in many symbols Colloquium Mathematicum 135 (2014) , 263-293 MSC: Primary 28A12; Secondary 37A05, 13F20. DOI: 10.4064/cm135-2-7
Erratum to “Algebraic and topological properties of some sets in $\ell _1$” (Colloq. Math. 129 (2012), 75–85) Colloquium Mathematicum 135 (2014) , 295-298 MSC: Primary 40A05; Secondary 15A03. DOI: 10.4064/cm135-2-8