Contents of Number 1
Volume 98 / 2003
Products of disjoint blocks of consecutive integers which are powers Colloquium Mathematicum 98 (2003) , 1-3 MSC: 11A05, 11D57. DOI: 10.4064/cm98-1-1
$H^{p}$ spaces associated with Schrödinger operators with potentials from reverse Hölder classes Colloquium Mathematicum 98 (2003) , 5-38 MSC: Primary 42B30, 42B25, 35J10; Secondary 47D03. DOI: 10.4064/cm98-1-2
Convergence to stationary solutions in a model of self-gravitating systems Colloquium Mathematicum 98 (2003) , 39-47 MSC: 35Q, 35K60, 35B40, 82C21. DOI: 10.4064/cm98-1-3
Iterated tilted and tilted stably hereditary algebras Colloquium Mathematicum 98 (2003) , 49-62 MSC: 16G20, 16G70, 16S50. DOI: 10.4064/cm98-1-4
Positive $L^1$ operators associated with nonsingular mappings and an example of E. Hille Colloquium Mathematicum 98 (2003) , 63-77 MSC: Primary 37A40; Secondary 47B65. DOI: 10.4064/cm98-1-5
On stable currents in positively pinched curved hypersurfaces Colloquium Mathematicum 98 (2003) , 79-86 MSC: Primary 53C42; Secondary 58A25. DOI: 10.4064/cm98-1-6
Mean value densities for temperatures Colloquium Mathematicum 98 (2003) , 87-96 MSC: Primary 35K05; Secondary 31B05. DOI: 10.4064/cm98-1-7
Evolution in a changing environment: existence of solutions Colloquium Mathematicum 98 (2003) , 97-111 MSC: Primary 45J05; Secondary 92D15. DOI: 10.4064/cm98-1-8
Factorization of matrices associated with classes of arithmetical functions Colloquium Mathematicum 98 (2003) , 113-123 MSC: Primary 11C20, 11A25. DOI: 10.4064/cm98-1-9
Tame tensor products of algebras Colloquium Mathematicum 98 (2003) , 125-145 MSC: 16G20, 16G70, 16S10, 16S34. DOI: 10.4064/cm98-1-10