Smooth Banach structure on orbit spaces and leaf spaces

Daniel Beltiţă, Fernand Pelletier Dissertationes Mathematicae (2025) MSC: Primary 22E65; Secondary 58H05, 58B25, 22A22. DOI: 10.4064/dm878-12-2024 Published online: 5 February 2025


We investigate the quotients of Banach manifolds with respect to free actions of pseudogroups of local diffeomorphisms. These quotient spaces are called H-manifolds since the corresponding simply transitive action of the pseudogroup on its orbits is regarded as a homogeneity condition. The importance of these structures stems from the fact that for every regular foliation without holonomy of a Banach manifold, the corresponding leaf space has the natural structure of an H-manifold. This is our main technical result, and one of its remarkable consequences is an infinite-dimensional version of Sophus Lie’s third fundamental theorem, to the effect that every real Banach–Lie algebra can be integrated to an H-group, that is, a group object in the category of H-manifolds. In addition to these general results we discuss a wealth of examples of H-groups which are not Banach–Lie groups.


  • Daniel BeltiţăInstitute of Mathematics “Simion Stoilow” of the Romanian Academy
    Bucureşti, Romania
  • Fernand PelletierUnité Mixte de Recherche 5127 CNRS
    Université de Savoie Mont Blanc
    Laboratoire de Mathématiques (LAMA)
    73370 Le Bourget-du-Lac, France

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