A non-uniform Datko–Pazy theorem for bounded operator semigroups
Studia Mathematica
MSC: Primary 47D06; Secondary 34G10, 34D05, 35B40
DOI: 10.4064/sm240919-24-11
Published online: 5 February 2025
We present a non-uniform analogue of the classical Datko–Pazy theorem. Our main result shows that an integrability condition imposed on orbits originating in a fractional domain of the generator (as opposed to all orbits) implies polynomial stability of a bounded $C_0$-semigroup. As an application of this result we establish polynomial stability of a semigroup under a certain non-uniform Lyapunov-type condition. We moreover give a new proof, under slightly weaker assumptions, of a recent result deducing polynomial stability from a certain non-uniform observability condition.