Transference of measures via disintegration
Ondřej F. K. Kalenda, Jiří Spurný
A new approach to deformation of $C^*$-algebras via coactions
Alcides Buss, Siegfried Echterhoff
Moran frame spectral measure and Beruling dimension
Zhi-Yi Wu, Feng-Li Yin, Min-Min Zhang
Generalized multiplicative Hilbert operators on Hilbert spaces of Dirichlet series
Xiangdi Fu, Kunyu Guo, Fugang Yan
Dimension dependence of factorization problems: Haar system Hardy spaces
Thomas Speckhofer
Shot-down stable processes
Krzysztof Bogdan, Kajetan Jastrzębski, Moritz Kassmann, Michał Kijaczko, Paweł Popławski
Tight – minimal dichotomies in Banach spaces
Alejandra C. Cáceres-Rigo, Valentin Ferenczi
Fractional Volterra-type operators on Hardy spaces
Xiang Fang, Feng Guo, Shengzhao Hou, Xiaolin Zhu
Unitary parts of Toeplitz operators with operator-valued symbols
E. K. Narayanan, Srijan Sarkar
The Zoo of combinatorial Banach spaces
Piotr Borodulin-Nadzieja, Barnabás Farkas, Sebastian Jachimek, Anna Pelczar-Barwacz
Spectral synthesis of the invariant Laplacian and complexified spherical harmonics
Annika Moucha
Weighted norm inequalities of area operators
Changbao Pang, Maofa Wang, Liankuo Zhao
Universal covering groups of unitary groups of von Neumann algebras
Pawel Sarkowicz
Twisted convolution algebras with coefficients on a differential subalgebra
Felipe I. Flores
Weak property $(\mathrm{T}_{L^p})$ for discrete groups
Emilie Mai Elkiær
The boundedness of integral operators of Forelli–Rudin type on the Hartogs triangle
Chuan Qin, Maofa Wang, Zhongbing Xie
Uniqueness of Ciesielski series with a subsequence of partial sums converging to a bounded function
Gegham Gevorkyan, Karen Keryan
Spectral multipliers on Métivier groups
Lars Niedorf